Herbal Nutrition with Lisa

Can Dining Out and Good Nutrition Go Hand in Hand?

While dining out has certainly changed over the last few months, one thing hasn’t: the potential for guilty feelings that you aren’t getting the good nutrition that will keep you healthy. Now more than ever, it is important to have a focus on boosting your immune system, not putting on additional weight, and being as fit as possible. The good news is that with a few tips, you can still dine out and not completely derail your objective for good nutrition.

Can Dining Out and Good Nutrition Go Hand in Hand?

Tip #1: Look for menu items that are similar to the types of meals you know provide you with good nutrition.

If your eating plan involves lots of leafy greens or an ideal ratio of veggies, proteins, and starches, look for the same choices on the menu. For example, if you wouldn’t eat pasta or a huge steak at home, don’t order it at the restaurant.

Tip #2: Realize that what appears to be a bargain probably isn’t.

It might sound like a great idea to upgrade a meal for a small amount of money, but you have to think in terms of whether you really need it or not. Saving on calories is infinitely better for you than saving money. In addition, free or cheap add-ons should be avoided if they are going to explode the calorie count and won’t provide good nutrition.

Tip #3: Beware of sauces, gravies, heavy dressings, condiments, and other hidden calories.

Some foods can be incredibly good for you, right up until you smother them in mayonnaise, ranch dressing, alfredo sauce, and other not-so-healthy additions. While on the subject, beware of the daily special, which often comes a set way, not leaving you the chance to skip the additions you do not want.

Tip #4: Consider sharing a plate or plan ahead to eat only half and take the rest home with you.

Let’s face it– most restaurant portions are huge. A focus on good nutrition is well and good, but too much of a good thing isn’t in your best interest. If you have a tendency to finish the meal without meaning to, ask for a takeout box at the beginning and place a portion into it right away to avoid eating it.

A few missteps when dining out may not seem like they undermine your goals that much, but they can definitely add up. If you suspect that you aren’t getting the nutrients that you need to be healthy or you need help with attaining healthy weight loss, turn to me at Herbal Nutrition with Lisa. I love working one-on-one with individuals and can help you choose supplements from Herbalife that will get you to your goals. Reach out today to learn more.


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