Herbal Nutrition with Lisa

How Stress Can Undermine Your Weight Loss

We all know that a stressful situation can alter now much we eat. Dealing with grief, for example, causes some people to lose interest in eating, so they lose a lot of weight, whereas others use food to comfort themselves and subsequently gain. In both cases, poor food choices can come into the picture. While an occasional upset can definitely affect your weight, it is chronic stress that one must be careful to avoid, as it can make sustaining a healthy weight or achieving weight loss very difficult. Here are the ways stress can undermine your weight loss:

help you put your weight loss goals

Dealing with stress isn’t easy for most of us, but when you find your digestion and other issues are adding fuel to the fire, it is time to reach out for help. Whether your goal is weight loss or just getting healthier overall, turn to me at Herbal Nutrition with Lisa. I can provide you with nutrition supplements that will help you avoid those quick drive-through meals. Let me help you put your weight loss goals within reach and lower your stress in the process. If you feel like you are at the end of the rope, know that I am here to help. Call today to learn more.

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